Korean Prime Minister's Cup Selection Tournament and Ghent Tournament

On July 5-6th, 2008 the Korean Prime Minister's Cup Selection Tournament (KPMCST) and the Ghent Go Tournament (GGT) is organized in Ghent.


Nelis Vets 2d
         +-----Nelis Vets +------+
Frederik Carbon 4k               |
                            Nelis Vets +-----+
Chi Yiu Wong 1d                  |           |
         +-----Chi Yiu Wong +----+           |
Michael Meeschaert 1k                        |
                                       Francois Gonze +----+
Thomas Connor 1d                             |             |
         +-----Thomas Connor +---+           |             |
Pierre Kim 1k                    |           |             |
                            Francois Gonze +-+             |
Francois Gonze 1k                |                         |
         +-----Francois Gonze +--+                         |
Kristof Bossee 1k                                     Thomas Connor +---+
                                                           |            |
                                                           |            |
LOSERS SECTION:                                            |            |
                                                           |            |
                           Thomas Connor +------+          |            |
                                                |          |      Thomas Connor +--+
                                           Thomas Connor +-+            |          |
               Michael Meeschaert               |                       |          |
                    +---- Michael Meeschaert +--+                       |          |
               Frederik Carbon                                          |          |
                                         Nelis Vets +------+            |          |
                                                           |            |      Francois Gonze
                           Chi Yiu Wong +------+       Nelis Vets +-----+          |
                                               |           |                       |
                                         Kristof Bossee +--+                       |
               Pierre Kim                      |                                   |
                     +---- Kristof Bossee +----+                                   |
               Kristof Bossee                                                      |
                                                                Francois Gonze +---+