Go clubs in Belgium

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Map showing the location of Go clubs in Belgium - and around the World.

note: create a new Go club
Guide for those who want to create a new go club

OGS (Online Go Server)
KGS (Kisei Go Server) (you may have to download the server)
Discord (for discussions)

Belgian Baduk Cafe

Discord link here ! (updated/checked 2021 oct)
The place to meet Belgian Go players. Open for everyone whatever your club, also for players who are not members of the Belgian Go Federation.

List of Go clubs

This is the official reference page for contact information of Belgian Go clubs. IMPORTANT: If you don't get an answer when you try to contact a club (club responsible are sometimes in holidays too...), then please contact info@gofed.be mentioning which club you wish to join.


Place :  The Playground
Hoofdkerkstraat 7
2000 Antwerp
Playing times :  Thursday at 20:00
Email :  club_antwerpen@gofed.be
Website :  http://goclubantwerpen.be

Brugge (contact point)

Place :  Somewhere in West Flanders or Internet
Playing times :  Go play on appointment - please write to the email address
Email :  club_brugge@gofed.be

Brussels: Hoshi Go Club

Place :  (Wed) Viaduc, rue du Viaduc, 43
(Sat) Mazette, Place du Jeu de Balle, 50
1050 Ixelles (We) / 1000 Bruxelles (Sa)
Playing times :  Wednesday 17:00-21:00 / Saturday: 17:00-21:00 (updated november 2024)
Email :  hoshigoclub@gofed.be
Extra info :  Formerly known as 'Le Pantin Go club'

Brussels: Phenix Go Club

Place :  Librairie Assoc. Belgique-Chine
Av Paul Deschanel 92
Tram Coteaux/Wijnheuvelen
Playing times :  (Tue) 19h-23h / (Saturday) 14h-18h
Email :  club_phenix@gofed.be
Website :  https://bruxellesgoclubphenix.wordpress.com/
Extra info :  Internet: Discord Baduk Cafe or OGS - group 'Bruxelles - Phenix'

Club de Go de la Ligue Braille Bruxelles

Place :  Rue d'Angleterre 57 - 1060 Saint-Gilles
Playing times :  For blind/visually impaired. Usually 2nd and 4th wednesday of each month 14:00 to 16:00
Email :  bib@braille.be
Website :  https://www.braille.be/fr

Diksmuide : Seki 8600

Place :  Send email to the provided address
8600 Diksmuide
Playing times :  First Wednesday of the month
Email :  club_diksmuide@gofed.be
Website :  https://seki.8600.it/
Extra info :  https://chat.whatsapp.com/FzBPEuJdz4CIpmLCy3aq7b or send an email to the provided address, and we will share all the details, including the location and time.

Gents Go Genootschap

Place :  The Outpost
Ottergemsesteenweg 13
9000 Gent
Playing times :  Tuesday at 19:00
Email :  club_gent@gofed.be
Website :  http://www.gentgo.be

Jeu de Go Hainaut (Club Ath)

Place :  Café Donquichotte De La Dendre
Rue de France 38
7800 Ath
Playing times :  Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 Tournai ou Mons --> voir Facebook !
Email :  club_ath@gofed.be (
Website :  https://www.facebook.com/groups/jeudegohainaut


Place :  Cafe Sport
Martelarenplein 13
3000 Leuven
Playing times :  Tuesdays at 20:15
Email :  club_leuven@gofed.be
Website :  http://www.goclubleuven.be/
Extra info :  KGS: room 'Leuven Go Club'
Communication via Discord, ask for invite in the KGS room.


Place :  Le Toussaint
Rue Ernest de Bavière 1
4020 Liège
Playing times :  Thursday at 18:30
Email :  club_liege@gofed.be


Place :  Café Altérez-Vous
Place des Brabançons 6A
1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
Playing times :  Tuesday at 20:30
Email :  club_lln@gofed.be


Place :  Aux 3D - Board Game Café
1, Abbé Joseph André Square
5000 Namur
Playing times :  Monday from 19:00 on
Email :  club_namur@gofed.be
Website :  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1488466071453836

Saint Niklaas

Place :  Stationsstraat 41 (shop Brood en Spelen)
Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, 9100
Playing times :  on appointment: contact via https://chat.whatsapp.com/DeP0Sw5KAV57FYOqTkuDsj or mail or call 0032479347502
Email :  club_stniklaas@gofed.be
Website :  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079290679532

Z Club Hasselt not active anymore

Place :  HASSELT
Playing times :  If you are volunteering to reactivate the club, please contact us.