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35th Leuven Go Tournament03/05/2025 - 10:00 04/05/2025 - 17:00 Etc/GMT+1 The 35th edition of the Leuven Go Tournament will take place during the weekend of 3 May 2025 and 4 May 2025. Tournament formatFive rounds MacMahon without handicap Winners will be decided by MMS (MacMahon Score), followed by SOS, followed by SODOS. Registration and entry FeeRegistration (before May 2th) : 20€ Payment in cash on the day of the tournament or on bank account BE68 0019 6434 0734 before May 1th. --> For questions please or call 0499 39 90 67 RegistrationTo register, please fill in the following form: VenueBar Baron, Baron August De Becker-Remyplein 27, 3010 Kessel-Lo (the same building as what used to be Café De Curve) Hotel rooms and youth hostel nearby the station PrizesFirst prize: 150€, second prize: 90€, third prize: 60€ Prizes are guaranteed for all the players with 4 or 5 wins. ScheduleSaturday Registered players (on 12-02-25)Sun Ryan 2 D Wuppertal,Germany