2020 Belgian Rapid Games Championship: Sunday 29/11 2 PM

The Belgian Go Federation organizes the 2020 Belgian Rapid Games Championship (15 min per player) on Sunday 29/11 from 2 PM to (max) 7 PM.

IMPORTANT: tournament reserved for the 2020 member of the BGF !

No registration fees.

It will be played ON LINE on the OGS server.

Register on OGS by joining sending an e-mail to blitz2020@gofed.be with your name-surname and your ranking (kyu-dan) according to the Belgian rating list https://www.gofed.be/rating(*)

(*) you may register at a stronger level, if you think you have become stronger meanwhile.
if you are a BGF member and do not find your name in the rating list, contact your club responsible or the BGF board (board@gofed.be) to get a ranking.

- if more than 8 participants: 7 rounds Swiss (each round pairs players with same number of wins; everyone in the same starting group); up to 8 participants: round-robin (everyone meets everyone)
- 15 minutes per player (no extra time - sudden death)
- Handicap - 2 (reference = ranking - kyu/dan - according to the Belgian rating list, or at a stronger level if you prefer)

- the games won't count for the rating
- only a Belgian player may get the title of "Belgian rapid games champion".

Palmarès Belgian blitz championship: https://www.gofed.be/node/261