Kim Young-Sam wins unbeaten the 2nd Corona Cup

The 2nd edition of the Corona Cup was very successful: no less than 400 (!) players participated in this tournament, played on-line due to the Covid crisis (let us hope there will never be a 3rd edition ! ;-).

Like the 1st edition, organized during the 1st lock-down, the Korean ex-insei Kim Young-Sam (8-d) won unbeaten. He confirms more than ever his leading place in the European rating list.

Silver medal was Artem Kachanovski, who was the only top competitor with 5 wins.

Artem ended ahead of four players with 4 wins:
- Ilya Shikchin,
- Lucas Podpera (who organized the tournament),
- Anton Chernykh
- and Kim Seong-Jim (who was beaten by the the other Kim, but also, surprisingly enough, by a mere 5-d).

Our country fellow Lucas Neirynck ends 8th with a 3/6 score.

Complete results here: