
Belgian Blitz Championship 20/04/2008

Pl. Name Str Cl. MMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pt SOS SOSOS
1 Fain, Simon 1d Pantin 7 15+ 7+ 9+ 6+ 3+ 5+ 2+ 7 28 187
2 Neirynck, Lucas 1d Louvain-La-Neuve 5 17+ 4+ 3+ 5- 13+ 11+ 1- 5 28 181
3 Jemine, Marie 5k Le Pantin 5 16+ 10+ 2- 18+ 1- 8+ 5+ 5 27 174
4 Yue, Wang 2d Le Pantin 5 8+ 2- 14+ 12+ 5- 7+ 6+ 5 26 183
5 Ramon, Jan 4d Leuven 4 10- 14+ 11+ 2+ 4+ 1- 3- 4 31 177
6 Walvish, Demian 7k Antwerpen 4 12+ 11+ 8+ 1- 7- 9+ 4- 4 30 176
7 Leen, Willaert 6k Leuven 4 14+ 1- 12- 10+ 6+ 4- 17+ 4 26 171
8 De Boel, Joren 12k Antwerpen 4 4- 18+ 6- 16+ 9+ 3- 13+ 4 24 171
9 Benjamin, Gigot 1k ? 4 18+ 15+ 1- 13+ 8- 6- 12+ 4 24 170
10 Steve , Hertecant 5k Antwerpen 4 5+ 3- 13- 7- 15+ 17+ 11+ 4 22 174
11 Menge, Herve 1k Liège 3 13+ 6- 5- 14+ 12+ 2- 10- 3 25 178
12 Pierre, Pecher 6k ? 3 6- 17+ 7+ 4- 11- 16+ 9- 3 23 172
13 Lochen, Vincent 7k Liège 3 11- 16+ 10+ 9- 2- 18+ 8- 3 23 164
14 De Bruyn, Erik 8k Antwerpen 2 7- 5- 4- 11- 17- 15+ 16+ 2 21 170
15 Heleu, Katrien 7k Antwerpen 2 1- 9- 16- 17+ 10- 14- 18+ 2 21 157
16 Hennenbert, Jean-Denis 4k Chaff 2 3- 13- 15+ 8- 18+ 12- 14- 2 20 160
17 Geeraerts, Guy 12k Antwerpen 1 2- 12- 18- 15- 14+ 10- 7- 1 21 162
18 Jonathan, Decembry 8k Le Pantin 1 9- 8- 17+ 3- 16- 13- 15- 1 21 160

20/04 : Belgian Blitz Championship

20/04/2008 - 11:30
20/04/2008 - 17:30

7 round swiss with handicap-2 and 15 minutes sudden death.

Free but only for members.

Place to be: Outpost Games, Rue de la Tribune 8, 1000 Bruxelles

Belgian Blitz Championship registration

An error occurs during the registration.
Please, check that all fields are correct.

Interclubs Tournament 2008 complete results

Round 1
Antwerpen Pantin 1-3
Namur Gent 2-2
Le Chaff Leuven 3-1
Round 2
Pantin Le Chaff 2-2
Leuven Namur 3-1
Gent Antwerpen 1-3
Round 3
Antwerpen Leuven 4-0
Namur Le Chaff 4-0
Gent Pantin 2-2
Round 4
Namur Antwerpen 4-0
Leuven Pantin 2-2
Le Chaff Gent 1-3
Round 5
Antwerpen Le Chaff 3-1
Pantin Namur 1-3
Leuven Gent 3-1

Team Points Weighted Points
Namur 14 28
Antwerpen 11 26
Brussels-"Pantin" 10 26
Gent 9 26
Leuven 9 23
Brussels-"Le Chaff" 7 14

World mind sport games in China

The 2012 World Mind Sport Games will be held in Lille in August this year. One Belgian player (Lucas Neirynck 4d) will take part to the men's individual tournament and a team of three players (Benjamin Gigot, 3d, Bram Vandenbon, 1d, Kristof Bossee, 1d) will take part to the team tournament. Good luck to all of them!

Interclubs Tournament

Clubs participating in 2025

  • Club de Go de Lille
  • Gents Go Genootschap
  • Phénix Go Club
  • Leuven
  • Hoshi Go Club
  • Antwerpen

Current Info

Contact :

Former results


Former Winners

Year Winners # clubs participating
2024 Antwerpen 5
2023 Brussels "Phénix" 4
2022 Brussels "Phénix" 5
2021 Ath 4
2020 Leuven 6
2019 Leuven 6
2018 Leuven 4
2017 Antwerpen 8
2016 Gent 8
2015 Brussels "Le Pantin" 6
2014 Gent 4
2013 Leuven 3
2012 Leuven 3
2011 Gent 3
2010 Leuven 5
2009 Namur 5
2008 Namur 6
2007 Leuven 7
2006 Brussels "ULB PLaine" 7
2005 Namur 9
2004 ? 10 (109 players)!
2003 ? 9 (75 players)
2002 Gent 8 (72 players)
2001 Antwerpen 6 (74 players)
2000 Brussels "Greenwich 2" 6 (70 players)
1999 Liège (?) 8
1998 Brussels "Brasserie" (?) ?
1997 Gent 7
1996 ? 7
1995 Brussels "Le Pantin" 6
1994 (not hold)
1993 Brussels "Le Pantin" 4
1987 till 1993 (not held)
1986 Waterloo 1 8 (!)

Youth and Student Belgian Championship

Youth and Student Belgian Championship

General information about the tournament



All 2013 members of the BGF under 20 and students members under 29.
Please read details in the "general information"

Tournament format

6 rounds Swiss System without handicap
1 hour per player + 15 stones for 5 minutes
Komi: 6.5
The number of rounds might be shorter if needed (ex: if it happens to be only 6 players we can play a 5-rounds Round-Robin championship).


The tournament will be played on KGS on several dates. The schedule will be announced later depending on the number of participants.

Online registration

Registered players

Former winners

Older Results

no longer organized after 2011 (no competitor, or only one)
6. 2011
5. 2010
4. 2009
3. 2008
2. 2007
1. 2006

Youth and Student Belgian Championship

Championnat de Belgique des jeunes

Ce championnat est réservé aux membres de la Fédération Belge de Go domiciliés en Belgique depuis au moins 1 an qui

  • soit ont moins de 20 ans
  • soit sont étudiants et ont moins de 29 ans

Ce championnat a deux objectifs

  1. Désigner le champion de Belgique respectivement
    • "jeune" (moins de 20 ans) et
    • "étudiant"
  2. Désigner le représentant officiel de la Belgique aux championnats d'Europe des jeunes d'une part et des étudiants d'autre part; celui-ci sera le représentant de nationalité belge le mieux classé à l'issue du championnat belge qui répondra aux conditions de participation de l'un et/ou l'autre du/des championnat(s) européen(s) au moment où ceux-ci se dérouleront).

Jeugd Belgische kampioenschap

Dit kampioenschap is voorbehouden aan de leden van de Belgische Go Federatie die minstens een jaar in Belgïe gedomiciliëerd zijn en die

  • minder dan 20 zijn of
  • student van minder dan 29 zijn

Dit heeft een dubbele doelstelling:

  1. het toekennen van de titels van respect.
    • Belgische Jeugd (minder dan 20) kampioen
    • Belgische Student kampioen
  2. het selecteren van de officiële Belgische vertengenwoordiger in de Europese kampioenschap van de jongeren, en in de Europese studenten kampioenschap (die zal de beste geplaatste deelnemer in het BK met Belgische nationaliteit die aan de deelnamevoorwaarden van een of ander Europese kampioenschap op de moment van de organisatie ervan beantwoordt).

37th Brussels tournament

xxth Brussels Tournament xxth & xxth October 202x


Tournament format

Five rounds MacMahon without handicap
Timing: 1 hour per player + byo-yomi: 15 stones for 5 minutes
Komi: 6.5

Non-smoking tournament

Registration and entry Fee

  • 25€ for registration and payment before 20/10/2025
  • 30€ after 20/10/2025 (included)
  • +5€ for Belgian players, non-member of the BGF
  • -5€ for Players born after 29/10/2007

You can pay the fee by transfer on our bank account (IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238) (BIC: GKCC BE BB) with the communication : "Brussels" + your name + your rank. For international transfers, further information about the bank account of the Belgian Go Federation can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please note that you only qualify for the early registration fee if the the payment arrives before 20/10/2023. It is your responsibility to take into account the possible delay of your bank in transferring money.

Players from outside the Euro zone facing high bank transfer costs, qualify for the early registration fee if they register online before 20/10/2025.

If you pre-register and can not make it for the first round, you are expected to notify the organization by sending an email to before the start of the round. Once your registration fee has been received, you will be paired for the first round. You only have to confirm your presence if there are mistakes in your name or rating on our wall-list. You can cancel your registration by warning us. Before 20/10/2025, 12€ will be refunded, after 20/10/2025 only 7.5€.


Prizes are guaranteed for all the players with 4 wins (30 €) or 5 wins (50 €).
Prizes for top places are determined by the MMS score and SOS. Prizes are divided equally if both MMS and SOS are equal.
In case we have less than 50 registrations, prizes money will be: 1st. 250 €, 2nd: 150 € ; 3rd: 75 €; If 50 or more, they will be 1st: 400 €, 2nd: 200 €, 3rd: 100 €.


Saturday (GMT +2)
10:00 - Opening of registration
10:40 - Deadline of registration
11:00 - First Round
14:00 - Second Round
16:30 - Third Round
Sunday (GMT +1 !!)
10:00 - Fourth Round
13:00 - Fifth Round
16:30 - Prize giving


Belgium-China Association
Avenue Paul Deschanel 92
1030 Brussels

How to get there

The tournament location is 20 minutes walking from the Brussel North train station (Brussel-Noord / Bruxelles-Nord)
2 minutes away from the tram station Côteaux
15 minutes away from the metro station Botanique


Private accommodation is available, but quite restricted.

Youth Hostels in the vicinity :

You will also find a very large number of hotels within close range of the playing venue.
Here are a few of them :

Results past editions

2020: not organized due to Covid-crisis
1989: not organised
1988: complete results not available
1986: complete results not available
1985: complete results not available

Former podiums of the Brussels Tournament

Tournament Year Winners 2nd 3rd numbers of player (among whom # 4d or stronger)
1 1985 Pierre Colmez, 5D Jean Michel, 4D Frank Janssen, 4D 86 (8)
2 1986 Frank Janssen, 5D André Moussa, 5D ?, ? ? (?)
3 1987 Pierre Colmez, 5D Frank Janssen, 5D Jean Michel, 5D 108 (6)
4 1988 Yoo Jong-Su, 7D David Schoffel, 5D ?, ? 86 (6)
- 1989 no tournament
5 1990 Guo Juan, 7D Ronald Schlemper, 7D Alexei Lazarev, 6D 116 (24 !)
6 1991 Sheng Guanji, 6D Guo Juan, 7D Frank Janssen, 6D 112 (28 !)
7 1992 Sheng Guanji, 6D Guo Juan, 7D David Schoffel, 5D 90 (16)
8 1993 Sheng Guanji, 6D Guo Juan, 7D Jean-François Séailles, 5D 100 (15)
9 1994 Sheng Guanji, 6D Guo Juan, 7D Jean-François Séailles, 5D 90 (12)
10 1995 Guo Juan, 7D Zhang Shutai, 7D
Wataru Miyakawa, 6D
Pierre Colmez, 5D 84 (10)
11 1996 Guo Juan, 7D Miyakawa Wataru, 6D Farid Ben Malek, 5D 112 (15)
12 1997 Park Sang Nam, 6D Guo Juan, 7D Vladimir Danek, 6D 108 (12)
13 1998 Geert Groenen, 5D Vladimir Danek, 6D
Franz-Josef Dickhut, 6D
Guo Juan, 7D 100 (10)
14 1999 Guo Juan, 7D Pierre Colmez, 5D Geert Groenen, 6D 70 (8)
15 2000 Guo Juan, 7D Vladimir Danek, 6D
Emil Nijhuis, 5D
Geert Groenen, 6D 66 (7)
16 2001 Guo Juan, 7D Paul Drouot, 5D Filip Vanderstappen, 5D 76 (9)
17 2002 Guo Juan, 7D Frédéric Donzet, 5D Ion Florescu, 6D 80 (9)
18 2003 Noguchi Motoki, 6D Guo Juan, 7D Vladimir Danek, 6D 75 (8)
19 2004 Franz-Josef Dickhut, 6D Zhao Pei, 6D Radek Nechanicky, 6D 108 (9)
20 2005 Cho Seok Bin, 7D Radek Nechanicky, 6D Li Jingrui, 6D 111 (8)
21 2006 Cho Seok Bin, 7D Jan Ramon, 4D Ondrej Silt, 6D 86 (11)
22 2007 Cho Seok Bin, 7D Radek Nechanicky, 6D Say Boon Ng, 4D 85 (5)
23 2008 Zou Lin, 6D Ondrej Silt, 6D Li Yue, 6D 99 (6)
24 2009 Dai Junfu, 7D Hwang In-Seong, 7D Yangqi Zhang, 6D 89 (7)
25 2010 Cho Seok Bin, 7D Csaba Merö, 6D Kyoungnang Kang, 6D 74 (7)
26 2011 Csaba Merö, 6D Chen Lei, 6D Vincent Van Gelderen, 4D 76 (9)
27 2012 Pavol Lisy, 6D Ondrej Silt, 6D Lluis Oh, 6D 61 (9)
28 2013 Zhang Yuanbo, 4D Antoine Fenech, 5D Benjamin Blanchard, 3D 47 (5)
29 2014 Vladimir Danek, 5D Kim Ouweleen, 4D Olivier Drouot, 3D 42 (3)
30 2015 Bogdan Zhurakovskyi, 5D Olivier Drouot, 3D Antoine Fenech, 5D 71 (2)
31 2016 Fabien Lips, 4D Lucas Neirynck, 5D Antoine Fenech, 5D 63 (4)
32 2017 Jonas Welticke, 6D Chen Qi, 4D Oscar Vazquez, 5D 58 (6)
33 2018 Lucas Neirynck, 6D Wang Zichen, 4D Jan Ramon, 4D 59 (4)
34 2019 Jan Ramon, 4D Sven Cuyt, 1k Dick Riedeman, 3D 38 (1)
- 2020 (not organized-Covid)
35 2021 Lucman Bounoider, 3D He JinMing, 3D Louis Baudaux, 1k 32 (0)
36 2022 Jia Hui Chen, 5D Zihan Yan, 6D He JingMing, 3D 52 (2)
37 2023 Cornel Burzo, 7D Zihan Yan, 6D Xin Shu, 5D 66 (4)
38 2024 Kaku Maekawa, 6D Xinghong Chen, 5D Haohan Wu, 5D 53 (6)


You will find here all the information about tournaments in Belgium

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