Leuven Tournament

35th Leuven Go Tournament

03/05/2025 - 10:00
04/05/2025 - 17:00

The 35th edition of the Leuven Go Tournament will take place during the weekend of 3 May 2025 and 4 May 2025.

Tournament format

Five rounds MacMahon without handicap
Timing: 1 hour per player + byo-yomi: 15 stones for 5 minutes
Rules: Japanese rules with 6.5 komi

Winners will be decided by MMS (MacMahon Score), followed by SOS, followed by SODOS.

Registration and entry Fee

Registration (before May 2th) : 20€
Registration after May 2th: 25€
Youth and -15 kyu: 15€

Payment in cash on the day of the tournament or on bank account BE68 0019 6434 0734 before May 1th.

--> For questions please email:frankk.segers@gmail.com or call 0499 39 90 67


To register, please fill in the following form:


Bar Baron, Baron August De Becker-Remyplein 27, 3010 Kessel-Lo (the same building as what used to be Café De Curve)
Five minutes from the railway station; parking accessible just to the right of Eenmeilaan 33

Hotel rooms and youth hostel nearby the station


First prize: 150€, second prize: 90€, third prize: 60€

Prizes are guaranteed for all the players with 4 or 5 wins.


10:00 - Opening of registration
10:40 - Deadline of registration
11:00 - First Round
13:30 - Second Round
16:00 - Third Round
10:00 - Fourth Round
12:30 - Fifth Round

Registered players (on 12-02-25)

Sun Ryan 2 D Wuppertal,Germany
Westhovens Bram 3 k Leuven, België
De Keijser Guilla 4 k Phéniix Brussels
Foulon Steven 4 k Leuven
Segers Frank 4 k Leuven Belgium
Van DoorsselaereTom 5 k Leuven - BE
Cassidy John 6 k Leuven
Vanooteghem Midas 8 k Leuven
Janssens Simon 10 k Leuven
Varlan Costin 10 k Leuven
Levrouw Lucas 10 k Geen club, België
Durant Kevin 13 k Geen club B
Ramacher Iris 14 k Cologne Germany

34th Tournament of Leuven

04/05/2024 - 10:00
05/05/2024 - 16:00

More info and regsitration: click here

33rd Leuven Go Tournament

06/05/2023 - 10:00
07/05/2023 - 17:00

For more information click here

32nd Leuven Go Tournament

07/05/2022 - 10:00
08/05/2022 - 18:00

For detailed information, click here (https://www.gofed.be/en/tournament/leuven)

ONLINE Leuven tournament (31th edition)

06/02/2021 - 09:30
07/02/2021 - 16:30

Tournament format

Four rounds MacMahon (handicap -2 for players under 13k)
Games to be played in the Leuven room on KGS (Room List > Clubs > Leuven Go Club)
Timing: 1 hour per player + byo-yomi: 15 stones for 5 minutes
Komi: 6.5


To register send your name, club, country, rank, KGS-name and the days you want to play (saturday, sunday or both) to frank.segers1@telenet.be
No registration fee, no prizes



09.30 - Deadline of registration
10:00 - First Round
14:00 - Second Round


10:00 - Third Round
14.00 - Fourth Round

Practical info

All communication during the tournament, pairing and results will happen on the Discord page of the Leuven Go Club.
Those of you who don't have an account in Discord can apply for one by this link: https://discord.gg/KNsD4ajNc3

The black player is responsible for setting up the game on KGS
The winner is responsible to report the result, at last 30 minutes before the start of the next round

30th Leuven Go Tournament

08/02/2020 - 10:00
09/02/2020 - 17:00

More info : https://www.gofed.be/en/tournament/leuven

Leuven tournament (29th edition)

02/02/2019 - 10:00
03/02/2019 - 17:00

more info: https://www.gofed.be/en/tournament/leuven

28th Leuven Go Tournament

03/02/2018 - 10:00
04/02/2018 - 17:00

Information can be found here

Leuven tournament

18/02/2017 - 10:00
19/02/2017 - 18:00

The leuven tournament is planned on 18-19/2/2017. More information here

26e Go Tornooi Leuven

20/02/2016 - 10:00
21/02/2016 - 17:00

more info

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