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PromotionPROMOTION Made In Asia 202507/03/2025 - 12:00 09/03/2025 - 17:00 Etc/GMT+1 Made In Asia is a big event around Asian (especially Japanese) culture, with mangas, cosplay, video games... The event takes place at Brussels Expo, near the Atomium. As every year, the Belgian Go Federation will be there to introduce newcomers to the game. If interested to volunteer to promote go, please register with the following form: or by contacting Many thanks ! Registered volunteers (updated 2025-03-05)Edouard --> Because this is a big festival we will need a minimum of 3-4 volunteers per day ! PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 202501/01/2025 - 00:00 31/12/2025 - 23:58 Etc/GMT+1 Dear players, See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year: These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious. Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events. (promotion) St-Niklaas Ichiba #Japan Experience Event14/09/2024 - 10:00 Etc/GMT+1 市場 Ichiba #Japan Experience Event is a small and cozy event to let young and old enjoy the rich Japanese culture. The club of St Niklaas will be there to introduce Go to the public, Saturday 14th September in: INFO@HETBINNENWERK.BE (promotion) Made in Asia 202419/10/2024 - 10:00 20/10/2024 - 17:00 Etc/GMT+1 Made In Asia is a big event around Asian Culture and especially Japanese one (mangas, cosplay...). The event takes place at Brussels Expo, near the Atomium. As every year, the Belgian Go Federation will be there to introduce newcomers to the game. If interested to volunteer to promote go, please register with the following form: or by contacting Many thanks ! Registered volunteers (updated 2024-10-15)Adam --> Because this is a big festival we will need a minimum of 3-4 volunteers per day. (promotion) Bruxelles Games Festival 202423/08/2024 - 10:00 25/08/2024 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 The Bruxelles Games Festival is an important event to promote Go. Since the first edition, the Belgian Go Federation is there to introduce newcomers to the game. To volunteer you need an interest in pedagogy, a bit of technique and of course a motivation to promote Go. Or simply contact "hi I'm interested to volunteer for the Bruxelles Games Festival..." You are welcome :) Because this is a big festival we will need a minimum of 3-4 volunteers per day. Registered volunteers (updated 2024-08-11):Li Min 8th tournament of Luxembourg20/04/2024 - 07:27 21/04/2024 - 16:27 Etc/GMT+1 After a long break, the 8th Luxembourg Go tournament will take place in the library of the University of Luxembourg PS: pre-registraton mandatory (promotion) I LOVE SCIENCE festival - call for volunteers11/10/2024 - 00:00 13/10/2024 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 I Love Science Festival is an interesting event around Science and an opportunity to promote Go. The event takes place at TOUR & TAXIS - Avenue du Port 86c, B-1000 Brussels For the third time, the Belgian Go Federation will be there to introduce newcomers to the game. If interested to volunteer to promote go, please register with the following form: or by contacting Because this is a big festival we will need a minimum of 3-4 volunteers per day. Especially Friday (difficult to have volunteers on a weekday). Registered volunteers (updated 2024-10-02)Michael Made In Asia spring 2024 (promotional event)01/03/2024 - 12:00 03/03/2024 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 Made In Asia is an important festival where the Belgian Go Federation has been present for already twenty years ! MADE IN ASIA If you would like to share your interest for Go with passers-by and can cope a bit with pedagogy, you are welcome as volunteer. In practice, we need at least 2 or 3 volunteers per day, around 10 volunteers in total. Please fill in the registration form: Note: Volunteers can come for free, but only to volunteer... So if you want to visit the Made In Asia festival, you have to buy the ticket. Thanks ! LIST OF VOLUNTEERS 27th February: There is still place for 1 or 2 extra volunteers. :) Chinese New Year - discover Go (promotional event)18/02/2024 - 14:00 18/02/2024 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 Sessions initiation for beginners at the Belgian China Association this 18th February 2024 - and celebrate the Chinese New Year 2024 ! For more information: CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS TO PROMOTE GO - Made In Asia22/09/2023 - 12:00 24/09/2023 - 17:00 Etc/GMT+1 Made In Asia is an important festival where Go has been present for already twenty years ! MADE IN ASIA If you would like to share your interest for the game with passers-by and can cope a bit with pedagogy, you are welcome as volunteer. In practice, we need at least 2 or 3 per day, around 10 volunteers in total. Thanks ! ![]() |