Become a volunteer at the Federation

The Belgian Go Federation is an amateur and friendly association that is always searching for volunteers in many different areas:

- Organization of tournaments: room reservation, follow-up, refereeing
- Promotion of Go, presentation in festivals or schools...
- Infographics, Internet communication or editing tasks
- Translation Dutch/English/French
- Administrative tasks
- Pedagogy, Go teaching
- IT development, maintenance of Internet site
- Transportation, logistic and stock management
- Accounting


Do you have a couple of hours per week (or more) free ? Do you feel you can handle some of these tasks ?
To help the Federation, you don't need to be a Go expert: the main qualifications are enthusiasm, the ability to communicate and to perform the tasks you have chosen to handle.

Please send an email to the Federation board ( and we will take care to find a place for you in our organization.
You are welcome :)